AINA PTT Voice Responder

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

To configure ANIA and Zello, first assign the AINA PTT secondary or alert button to Zello by following the steps outlined in this article

Zello and AINA specific features (Android, iOS):

  • Two PTT buttons: One is used to respond to your most recent contact and the other can be assigned to a contact or channel.
  • The front arrow buttons allow you to switch through your Recents list.
  • While Zello is in the background, the AINA RSM tells you the name of the user or channel activated as you switch through contacts.
  • The red alert button will send a call alert to the activated user or you can assign it to a contact or channel to send an “Emergency” text alert.


Related Reading:

- Quick guide Zello (iOS) (brochure version) 7.7.2016.pdf (1 MB)
- AINA - Zello quick for Android.pdf (900 KB)