Provisioning Zello Work Accounts Using MDM

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Zello Work supports remote accounts provisioning using mobile device management (MDM). The solution is based on the AppConfig standard supported by all major MDM vendors.

MDM provisioning is currently supported on iOS and Android 5.0+. This article provides guidance for provisioning accounts via XML.

Provision an account via XML

  1. Create an XML file with the Zello Work account configuration using the template below. Replace user001, secret, and mycompany with your account username, password, and Zello Work network name, respectively.

    Please note: Each MDM provider requires different set up configurations. This template was created specifically for JAMF and accordingly may require slight modifications if using an alternative system. 

  2. Use the MDM web console to push the Zello Work app to the target device
  3. Use the MDM web console to push the configuration XML you created to the same device
  4. When the Zello Work app is started, it will automatically sign in to the account you pushed. If Zello Work was already running when you pushed the configuration, it will switch to the new account and sign in.