How to use text alerts in Dispatch Hub

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Persistent text messages can be sent from a driver to all dispatchers in a channel or from a dispatcher to one individual driver. These text alerts repeat every 60 seconds until the alert is cleared on the dispatcher’s side, on the desktop Dispatch App, or acknowledged on the driver’s side, on the mobile app. 

  • Drivers and dispatchers can easily exchange information better shared via text rather than voice, like order numbers for instance 
  • Dispatchers can send addresses for pick ups or deliveries more easily to drivers 
  • Dispatchers can get driver’s attention via a call alert if they’re not responding, and the alert will keep replaying every 60 seconds

See an example of persistent message displayed on a driver's mobile device (iPhone) after a text alert was sent by dispatcher "Austin Dispatch":
austin dispatch.png