Web Console Settings

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Zello's Management Console—sometimes referred to as the "Web Console"—serves as a network's mission control. It's where admins configure users, settings, and channels for their network, enabling unique control over a company's private communications workspace. 

Admins can configure granular settings related to using the Management Console from the Settings tab. 

Configure Web Console Settings

1) Sign in to the Management Console via the URL [yournetworkname].zellowork.com.

2) Select Settings from the task bar. Then select Web Console. 
Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 1.21.10 PM.png

3) Configure the following settings as desired:  

  • Sub-admins manage subsets of users or channels that share their assigned tags. Learn more about sub-admins. 
  • Limited-access users can't send 1:1 voice messages unless they receive one first; they must receive a voice message from a specific contact to be able to send a voice message to that contact. Learn more. 
  • Captcha is a security check that's required after failed sign-in attempts. It helps prevent password cracking. Google reCAPTCHA is faster than regulr captcha, but it may be unavailable with some firewalls.
  • SignOn links streamline app sign-in, allowing end-users to access their Zello account without  entering a username and password. When a user opens a SignOn link, they're instantly signed in to their Zello account—ensuring an easy, secure, and seamless log in process. Admins can configure an expiration time for SignOn links, after which the link can't be used.  Learn more. 
  • Deep links allow users to sign in to Zello Work using SignOn links—enabling a faster, smoother sign-in process. 
  • If enabled, users configured through the console will receive a notification (either via email or SMS) that they've been added to the network. The notification will include their email and password. 

    If this setting isn't enabled, the admin will need to communicate the user's email/password directly. 

4) Click Save and Apply to secure your changes. 
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