There are a few reasons why a user's location is outdated (purple dot) or unavailable. The most common reasons are:
1. Users must use the Zello Work apps supporting location tracking. They will not appear on the map if they're using previous versions.
- Android version 3.71+
- iOS version 3.38+
Note: Android 11+ should use Zello version 4.115+
3. Users may be in a place, like inside a building, where GPS signals are unavailable. This means they could be online, and able to call, but you won't see their location in real time.
4. The user is not connected to the network. This means Zello may be in standby mode, and therefore, Zello can't get an updated location.
5. Zello is not running. The app needs to be running and online in order to send the most recent location. The user may have exited the app or his phone may just be off.
6. You have configured location tracking in the management console to be only active while the user device is plugged in or battery level is above a certain level. In that case location tracking will be temporarily turned off until the specified conditions are met (i.e. device is connected to a power source or battery charges above the set level).
If the user's location has been unavailable for longer than 20 minutes, they will not appear on the map unless "Hide Old locations" is toggled off. You can however still search for this user, and see their historical location.