Using Zello Bridge With Radio Gateways

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Bridge connects traditional two-way radios with Zello’s powerful push-to-talk (PTT) solution, enabling seamless cross-platform communication so teams can use both the hardware and software that’s optimized for their unique operational environment.

Zello Bridge illustration.jpg

Bridge runs quietly in the background, ensuring non-disruptive interoperability between radio users and Zello. Its latest release expands capability to include both USB and JPS gateways, as well as provides an updated management UI for more friendly and accessible usage.

Networks that have historically utilized Zello’s legacy PC app will find Bridge a vital tool in their communications ecosystem. Zello plans to sunset the legacy PC app in the near future, so we highly recommend migrating to Bridge as soon as possible to ensure you’re receiving the best support and most updated product.

If you’re an existing legacy PC app user, see this section for assistance migrating from the legacy PC app to Zello Bridge.


This application is compatible with USB and JPS gateways. While both gateway types connect radios with communications software, they differ in how they transmit audio; USB gateways require direct USB connection to a PC, whereas JPS gateways generally transmit messages using Radio Over IP (RoIP) technology, meaning audio is delivered via an internet connection.

Common models of these gateways include:


Please note that while above-listed JPS gateways require utilization of Zello Bridge, newer JPS gateway models include updated firmware that enables connection via the JPS management interface.

For example, JPS gateways like the ACU-Z1 and RSP-Z2 already have the Zello Chanel API integrated. While they’re compatible with Bridge, they don’t require it. See this JPS documentation for more information.

Bridge is only compatible with channel communications. Because it relies on Zello’s channel API, it can’t be used for 1:1 messages. It’s currently exclusively available in a x64 bit package. 

How it Works

Bridge expands Zello’s functionality beyond traditional Android and iOS operating systems, allowing devices operating on proprietary firmware to integrate with the Zello infrastructure.  

When configured with either a JPS or USB gateway,  Bridge connects two-way radios with Zello, enabling smoother, more tailored PTT communications. It reads a 2-level structure from the configuration file: links and connectors.

  • Links share the audio streams between connectors. They’re what ensure communications are transmitted from one connector to the other (i.e. from Zello to your team’s radios).

    While links are dependent on their designated connectors, they don’t interact with other links. Each link will have at least two connectors—the Zello API, the JPS gateway, or the USB gateway —and additional, platform-specific configuration attributes that dictate Bridge’s configuration.

    Bridge easily supports up to 16 links.

  • Connectors are the endpoints you’re connecting using Bridge—for example, Zello’s channel API and a USB gateway. There are three possible endpoints: the Zello channel API, a USB gateway, or a JPS gateway. Each link includes at least two connectors; connectors are required attributes of a link's configuration.

Status Page

One of Bridge’s strengths lies in your ability to monitor its status through a webpage, providing access to real-time updates on your system’s performance. Once you’ve configured your links, their status will be displayed on the dashboard, offering targeted insight into the operations of each of your links and their associated connectors.

The status page is configured under the REST server section of the configuration file. It's accessible through port :8810.


In this article, we'll walk through configuring your instance of Zello Bridge (see step 1 and step 2). Additionally, we'll provide context for errors you may receive when using Bridge. If you have questions at any point in this process, please don't hesitate to contact our team at 

Step 1: Install Bridge

  1. Click this link to download Bridge's installation package (version 1.25).

  2. Run the installation package on your computer. Once installed, Bridge will automatically launch.

  3. Open your browser of choice and type in the address bar. This will take you to Bridge's status page, which indicates a successful installation.

Step 2: Configure Bridge

Please note: If your network currently uses Zello’s legacy PC app, skip this section and instead refer to the Migration From the Legacy PC App section. The migration process is different (and slightly easier) than the initial configuration process for legacy PC users currently operating with a gateway setup. 

Once you’ve installed Bridge, it’s time to edit your configuration file. Configuration files include a few key components: 

  • The REST server status page (:8810)
  • Links
  • Log location 

Configuration files are included in your Bridge installation package, but please note that you'll need to manually configure the links yourself. To find and edit your configuration file:

  1. Locate a file named zellobridge.json on your computer. It’ll likely be present in the Program Files\Zello\Zello Bridge folder, which was downloaded as part of the Bridge installation package.

  2. Open the file in a text editor such as Notepad.

  3. Edit the configuration file's links to meet your network’s requirements according to the instructions provided in this section.

    Please note that the only information you'll likely need to adjust in the configuration file is that pertaining to links (and consequently, their connectors).

  4. Save the configuration file.

  5. Open your browser and go to Then, click Restart. Your configured links and their respective statuses will be listed on the homepage .

Editing the Configuration File

Zello Bridge will connect the endpoints established in your configuration file. This file will include 1 or more links, each of which have two or more connectors.

Please note that links operate independently from each other, meaning link #1 will not impact link #2. Each configuration file can include up to 16 links. 

Connectors are nested under links. They're the communication endpoints you'd like to connect. 

To demonstrate, we’ve highlighted the links segment of an example configuration file connecting a USB gateway with the Zello Channel API. You’ll notice that there are two connectors associated with the link, as dictated by the two type attributes:

  • zello-usb-gateway
  • zello-channel-api

We’ve included an example configuration file in the Downloads section of this article to reference as you build your own file.  


Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 1.54.53 PM.png

Please remember: The configuration file that's included in Bridge's installation package requires manual link configuration. This ensures you're able to connect your specific technologies. See the Configuring Links section below for more information. 

Configuring Links

Link configuration requires three components: 

  1. Link name
Assign your link a name. For example, “Link #1”
  1. Priority 

The value of the Priority field should be one of the connector types. 

We recommend setting your gateway—either jps-roip or zello-usb-gateway—as the priority.  

  1. Connector 

The connector field specifies the endpoints you’re connecting with Bridge (e.g. the Zello channel API and your gateway). 

This field is a collection. For more information on its configuration, see the Configuring Connectors section below. 

Configuring Connectors

There are 3 possible connector types:

  • zello-channel-api
  • jps-roip
  • zello-usb-gateway

Each connector has its own set of configuration parameters. As a reminder, each link will have at least two connectors. 

Please see the drop-downs below for a list of each connectors' attributes. The attributes associated with your intended setup should be added to your .pttconfig file. If any of the parameters included in the tables are not applicable to your setup (for example, those pertaining to VOX or Zello Friends & Family), exclude them from your file.

Please note: When connecting the Zello Channel API, you’ll be required to add a username and channel name to the configuration file. You should create a new user from the management console that’s exclusively used for the link you’re configuring. Then, you’ll want to add that user to the channel you’re connecting to the gateway.

  • Parameter What is it? Example Value
    type The connector type. zello-channel-api

    The connector’s name. 

    If left blank, the channel name (configured below) will appear on the status page.

    Zello Channel A

    This is the entry point for Zello’s channel API. 

    The format for this value is:


    My network name is zello1234.

    I’d accordingly populate this parameter with: 


    The name of your network’s channel you’d like to connect to the gateway. 

    Please note that the channel must be pre-existing by this step. For information on creating channels, see this article.


    Username of an existing user profile. See this article for assistance creating a new user. 

    This username should be created specifically for the link you’re setting up. Please note that the username cannot be in use on another device or in another Zello Bridge link. It should be created for a single, specific link. 

    Ensure this user has been added to the channel you’ve assigned in the attribute above.

    password The password associated with the username provided above. mypassword1234!

    *Not required for Zello Work accounts. 

    This field is only applicable to Zello Friends & Family users. See this documentation for assistance creating a token.

  • Parameter What is it? Example Value
    type The connector type. jps-roip
    name Assign the connector a name. This can be any string — it isn’t dependent on existing configurations. Jps gateway 1
    remote_ip The JPS radio interface’s IP address. 192.168.136
    remote_port The port assigned to the JPS radio interface. 1224
    local_ip IP address of the computer running Zello Bridge.
    local_port The computer port that’ll be used by the JPS’s connector. This should be specific to the computer that’ll be used to run Bridge. 1223

    Size of the jitter buffer in packets. 

    This value is measured in 100ms packets. The default value is 10, which equates to 1 second of buffered audio. 

    If you experience breaking audio, consider increasing this value. Alternatively, decrease the value to reduce delay.

    is_full_duplex Set this value to true if the gateway can send and receive audio at the same time. Set it to false if not. false

    *Please note that JPS gateways require additional setup in the JPS management interface. See the Additional Information for JPS Gateways section below. 

  • Parameter What is it? Example Value
    type The connector type. zello-usb-gateway
    name Assign the connector a name. This can be any string — it isn’t dependent on existing configurations. USB Gateway 1

    The operating system-assigned name of the connected gateway’s playback device. 

    To find this, go to Start > Settings > System > Sound on your Windows computer.

    USB audio device

    The operating system-assigned name of the connected gateway’s recording device. 

    To find this, go to Start > Settings > System > Sound on your Windows computer.

    USB audio device

    The operating system-assigned name of the connected gateway’s serial port. The serial port name can be found in your Device Manager.

    If your device doesn’t have a serial port, leave this field empty.


    True if the gateway utilizes the serial port line state to start and stop TX message transmission (to radio). This means the tx_line and tx_active_high are in use. 

    False if VOX is active.

    True if the gateway sets serial port line state to start and stop RX messages (from radio). This means rx_line and rx_active_high are in use. 

    False if VOX is active.


    The supported values for this parameter are RTS and DTR.

    This field is dependent on the gateway in use. Please refer to your gateway’s manual for more information.


    The supported values for this parameter are CTS, DSR, RING, and CD.

    This field is dependent on the gateway in use. Please refer to your gateway’s manual for more information.


    Set this value to True if the active signal level is high. Set it to Fale if it’s not high. 

    This field is dependent on the gateway in use. Refer to your gateway’s manual for more information.


    Set this value to True if the active signal level is high. Set it to Fale if it’s not high. 

    This field is dependent on the gateway in use. Refer to your gateway’s manual for more information.


    The sound level at which Bridge will activate transmission. 

    The accepted values range from -80db (lowest) to 0db (highest).


    The sound level at which transmission is deactivated. 

    This cannot be set higher than the activation threshold, and it’s best to set it between 3 and 5db lower. 

    For example, if your activation level is set to -35db, set the deactivation to -37db.


    The amount of time (in milliseconds) VOX takes to start transmission. 

    Increasing the trigger time will help eliminate false transmissions caused by short impulses.


    The amount of time (in milliseconds) VOX takes to stop transmission.


    The amount of time (in milliseconds) the gateway waits between transmission of two messages. 

    This setting helps prevent overlapping messages. Only applicable to VOX messages.


    The length in milliseconds of a loud, single-tone signal Bridge inserts before every VOX message. This ensures the radio recognizes the new transmission. 

    Only applicable if tx_serial_port is false and VOX is active.


Additional Information for JPS Gateways

Once you've created your Bridge configuration file, you'll also want to add a connection profile matching JPS RoIP connector configurations in your JPS radio gateway management interface. Use the following values for reference:


JPS radio gateway hardware configuration value

Matching Zello Bridge JPS  RoIP value

Connection mode



Remote address

Set to match ->


Remote port

Set to match ->


Local port

Set to match ->



ULAW or PCM 64kbps





For detailed instructions about configuring JPS radio gateway hardware, please refer to your JPS product documentation.

Migration From the Legacy PC App to Zello Bridge

Please note: Zello will decommission its legacy PC app in the near future. As such, we strongly encourage users to migrate their data to Zello Bridge for the most updated, feature-rich product and support. 

Networks currently utilizing the legacy PC app can easily migrate their gateway setups to Zello Bridge using the import wizard. This tool simplifies the process of copying your existing USB gateway configurations into Bridge. 

If utilizing the import wizard, ensure your USB gateway device and serial port are connected before proceeding to step 1. Please note that the following steps should be performed on the device the legacy app is currently installed on. 


  1. Locate the configuration file using one of the following methods.

    Note that we recommend first trying the export method; if you're unable to export the file for any reason, then attempt to locate the file on your computer using the pathway provided in the About section. 
    1. Using the navigation bar at top of your legacy PC application’s window, follow the pathway Tools> Backups>Export Options. Click Export Options, and download the file to your computer. Save it as a Zello config file.

    2. Go to Help > About Zello Work.  Scroll about halfway through the credits screen until you see the Local storage pathway.

      Follow this pathway on your device to locate the legacy PC app’s settings file. It will be named pttconfig.json

  2. Sign out of the legacy app (Status > Sign Out). This will ensure Zello Bridge is able to access all necessary hardware.

  3. Drag and drop the settings file into the designated area on the Zello Bridge status page (http://localhost:8810/

  4. If the settings file parsed successfully, a New link popup will appear. Most—but not all—of the associated fields should be completed.

  5. Fill in any missing values. Note that the gateway’s password, the channel name, and your network name will need to be manually entered.

  6. When the form is completed, click Import new link.

  7. When the link has successfully imported and both connectors report being online, the new link will appear in the Zello Bridge configuration. Please note it will likely take about 30 seconds for everything to successfully activate.

    If there’s an issue with the configuration file, you’ll receive an error message that notes which field is incorrect. Fix the problem values, then click Import new link again.

    If this method doesn’t work for any reason—for example, you’re unable to export the legacy app’s settings file, or the new link won’t successfully import—consider editing the configuration file to include a new link. 
  • If the export/import method failed, edit your configuration file so that it includes an additional link connecting the USB gateway. Then, upload that file to Bridge. The section titled Editing the Configuration File walks through adding and editing Bridge links.

    Legacy PC app users with pre-existing gateway connections can find many of the required values in the app's Options menu. The following information can be found under Options

    Audio Tab

    If either the playback device (1) or recording device (2) are missing from the configuration file, write the names in as they appear here. 

    Radio Tab

    From the TX (PC to Radio) tab, you’ll find the required values for tx_serial_port (3)*, serial_port (4), tx_line (5), and tx_active_high (6). Copy these values as they appear into the configuration file. 

    *value is TRUE if tx_line and tx_active high are in use

    Switch to the RX (Radio to PC) tab and repeat for rx_serial port, rx_line*, and rx_active_high. 

    *If you utilize VOX mode, leave rx_line blank.

    VOX Tab

    If your network utilizes VOX mode, switch to the VOX tab and include the following information in your configuration file: activation_db (10), deactivation_db (11), trigger_time (12), and relaxation_time (13).


You may encounter a variety of errors when setting up your Bridge environment. The table below lists the possible error codes and their meanings.  If you run into trouble resolving these errors, don’t hesitate to contact our team for tailored assistance.

Error Codes

  • Code Meaning Root Cause/Solution
    1001 Connector isn’t ready to process the incoming audio Ensure the incoming audio isn’t splitting into a series of short messages. If messages are being split, it’s likely that a connector failed to accept the message.
    1002 Linked connector failed to process the audio Please submit a log and reach out to for assistance. The resolution to this problem is highly dependent on the context provided by the logs.
    1003 Still sending the previous message Ensure the incoming audio isn’t splitting into a series of short messages. If messages are being split, it’s likely that a connector failed to accept the message.
    1004 Receiving another message

    Check if full-duplex mode is supported for all connectors associated with the link. If it isn’t, turn OFF full-duplex mode in your configuration.

    As a reminder, full-duplex mode means messages can be sent and received at the same time.

    1005 Unable to send outgoing audio

    This error means Bridge is unable to identify anything to send. 

    First, check your network to confirm proper connectivity. Then, consider increasing your jitter buffer. 

  • Code Meaning Root Cause/Solution
    2001 Failed to resolve JPS gateway address Confirm your remote_ip and remote_port configuration values are correct.
    2002 Failed to resolve host address Confirm your local_ip and local_port configuration values are correct.
    2003 Gateway connection failed

    Confirm that the gateway endpoint is accessible from the Bridge host/specific local endpoint.


    Confirm your JPS device is configured correctly and is reachable by the computer running Bridge.

    2004 JPS gateway is offline

    Confirm your network connectivity. 

    If connected, it’s likely you’re experiencing an issue with your JPS hardware.

    2005 Read bad packet

    Your communication is likely being interrupted by one of the following: 

    • MITM
    • The proxy may be unintentionally corrupting the payload 
    • General connectivity issue
    2006 Read bad audio packet

    You may be experiencing one of the following: 

    • Unsupported codec
    • Payload corruption

    See your gateway's manual for more information.

    2007 Received bad audio packet

    A connector is transmitting an unsupported audio format. 

    Check your gateway’s manual for more information on supported audio formats.

    2008 Read audio timeout

    Your JPS gateway isn’t sending audio packets with the expected speed. 

    Check your JPS device’s manual for information on related settings. Each gateway will carry unique requirements.

    2009 Read buffer starving

    Your JPS gateway temporarily stopped sending audio packets. 

    Consider increasing the value of the jitter_buffer_size value in your configuration file. 

    2010 Send buffer starving

    A connector temporarily stopped sending audio packets. 

    Consider increasing the value of the jitter_buffer_size value in your configuration file. 

    2011 Send keepalive failed

    There was an issue sending messages to the JPS gateway. This likely occurred because of a network connectivity issue.

    2012 Send timeout

    The non-JPS connector stopped transmitting audio. Nevertheless, outgoing messages sent to the JPS will be delivered.

  • Code Meaning Root Cause/Solution
    3001 Not connected Bridge is unable to initiate a connection to your Zello Work network. Confirm your network name is correctly entered in the configuration file. 
    3002 Invalid Zello credentials

    Confirm your Zello Work username, password, and network name are correctly entered in the zellobridge.json file. If not, adjust the file, click save, then restart Bridge. 

    If credentials are correctly entered, then check your network connectivity.

    3003 Channel offline You’re either experiencing network connectivity issues, or you’ve been disconnected from the Zello channel configured for your gateway.
    3004 Opus encoder failed Bridge failed to create an opus packet, OR there’s a problem with the audio received from a connector.
    3005 Opus decoder failed

    An invalid opus packet was received from the Zello connection. Likely causes include one of the following: 

    • MITM
    • Proxy-corrupted data
    • Other connectivity issue
    3006 Start stream failed

    Unable to start an outgoing message. 

    If you find this occurring often, check the talk priority assigned to the user account associated with Bridge. Consider decreasing the channel talk priority of the account.
    3007 Stop stream failed The current message was likely interrupted by another channel user.
    3008 Error received Bridge received an error from the channel API.
    3009 Kicked

    The Zello credentials used by this Bridge connector was signed in on another client device. 

    Keep in mind that a single Zello account can only be used on one device at a time.

  • Code Meaning Root Cause/Solution
    4001 Audio device not connected Ensure the correct audio device is connected. Confirm the audio device’s name through your Device Manager.
    4002 Serial port not connected Connect the USB and serial device, or check the existing serial ports in the operating system.
    4003 Audio device failed Check your audio device for a driver update.
    4004 Serial port failed Reconnect and/or restart the device that provides the serial port.
    4005 Port audio library failure Check your audio device for a driver update.
    4006 Audio recording overflow Some recorded audio samples have been dropped. Check your host device’s performance and confirm there aren’t any updates for your audio device’s driver.
    4007 Audio recording underflow

    Some audio samples were not recorded, resulting in chunks of silence being delivered to Bridge. 

    Check your audio device for driver updates.

    4008 Recording buffer full

    Some audio samples have dropped.

    4009 Resampling failure To fully understand what’s causing this issue, we’ll need to investigate a log. Please reach out to for assistance.

Send a Log to the Zello Team

Logs provide additional context for the error codes you’re receiving. If you find yourself unable to resolve an issue, submit a log through the Bridge interface, then email us at for assistance. 

To send a log from Zello Bridge:

  1. From the Bridge interface, click Send log. Enter your email and describe the issue you’re experiencing. Then click Send to Zello.
  1. Email Let our team know you’ve recently submitted a log, and provide any additional context you think will aid the troubleshooting process.

Please note that we don’t monitor log submission, so it’s important that you email our team notifying us that you’ve sent a log. Additionally, it’s important that you send a log quickly after you’ve encountered an issue.