Navigating the Admin Management Console From a Mobile Web Browser

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Zello's management console is a web-based platform where admins manage network settings and configurations. Although it can be accessed from any device with a web browser, the user interface—and to an extent, capabilities—differ when viewed on a mobile browser rather than desktop browser.  

All tabs accessible from a desktop browser are accessible from the mobile browser. To navigate each of the console's tabs from a mobile web browser, tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines in the top-right corner of your screen):
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This article provides an overview of using the management console from a mobile web browser. For assistance navigating the management console from a desktop browser, see this article

Users Tab

Most functionality available via the Users tab on a desktop browser is also available on your mobile's browser.

From the Users tab's home page, admins can do the following:

  • Add a new user
  • Add a user to a channel
  • Delete a user
  • Visit the user's profile

Admins cannot take the following actions from this tab on mobile:  

    • User import
    • User export 
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Additionally, the existing user list can be filtered by either tag, channel, or applied user template. Please note that the addition of templates and tags, the clone function, and the ability to send sign on links—while available from the Users screen when accessing the management console from a desktop browser—must be executed from a user's details screen when on mobile. This is expanded upon in the next section. 

User Details Page

Tap on the user's username to access their details page. Here, you'll see three icons: 



Mobile Browser UI


Details: This screen provides an overview of the user's profile. From here, you can do the following: 

  • Assign the user a profile picture, phone number, email, or new password
  • Assign tags, templates, or web console access
  • Delete the user
  • Enable location tracking and cloud history 
  • View their message history (if Message Vault is enabled)
  • Request a log 
  • Send SignOn links*
  • Clone a user*

*Please note: Turn your phone sideways to execute these functions. You'll see a button that says Clone, as well as a gray box that, when tapped, allows admins to send the user a sign on link. 


Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 9.05.32 AM.png

User Channels: Tap the + button (1) to add this user to a new channel. Tap the settings icon (2) to assign them a role. 


IMG_4864 (1).PNG Direct Contacts: Tap the + button to add a direct contact for this user. Tap the - button to delete a direct contact.  IMG_4864 (2).PNG


From the Channels home page, admins can:

  • Create a new channel
  • Delete a channel 
  • Access a channel's details screen

On mobile, admins cannot:

  • Import channels
  • Export channels 

Please note tags can't be configured from the channels homepage when accessing the console from a mobile browser. They can, however, be added from a channel's details screen (see below). 


Channel Details

Tap on the channel's name to access its details page. Here, you'll see three icons: 

Icon Feature Mobile Browser UI
Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 3.44.55 PM.png

Details: This screen provides an overview of your channel's configurations. From here, you can do the following: 

IMG_4876 (1).PNG
Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 3.45.05 PM.png Users: From here, you can add or delete users, as well as edit user roles.  IMG_4878.PNG
Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 3.45.17 PM.png

Roles: User roles can be created or deleted for each channel from this screen. Tap the settings icon to adjust the role, including the following configurations: 

  • Talk priority
  • Role type 
  • Ability to disconnect
  • Channel alerts
  • Auto-disconnect timeout

Learn more about user roles. 



Maps look identical across both mobile and desktop browsers.

Please note that—depending on the device in-use—you may lose the ability to configure your viewing settings if you rotate your device horizontal, and that the information available from the Maps tab depends on your Zello Work subscription package

Tap on an active user to receive the following information: 

  • Their local time
  • Their battery life
  • Their speed (if traveling)
  • The ability to view their location history 
  • Their location in Google Maps
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User Map

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User Information


If Message Vault is enabled for your network, admins can access all users' communications through the History tab. You'll likely find the UI of this tab more approachable if you rotate your device. 


Please note that on the mobile browser, Message vault's metadata cannot be exported. Individual voice messages can be downloaded, though.  


All aspects of the Analytics tab can be accessed from a mobile device. To see the Dispatchers section of this page, turn your phone horizontal. It may not be fully visible otherwise. 

IMG_4884.PNGThe capabilities of this section are largely the same across mobile and web browsers. 


Dispatchers is best viewed by turning your device horizontal. 


Settings can be filtered by template (1) or device type (2), or searched for using the search bar (3). Settings are configurable from both desktop and mobile browsers. 

Other Settings/Configurations

User templates, gateways, and crosslinks can be configured by tapping the menu icon in the top-right corner of your screen and navigating to their respective pages. 

If you find it difficult to view these pages on mobile, consider turning your device horizontal for optimization of the UI. 


User Templates

Open the User Templates page and press the green + icon to create a new user template. Learn more about user templates. 

Sign In Report 

Tap the user icon in the top-right corner of your screen to download the sign in report. Learn more about sign in reports. 


From the Gateway page, tap the green + icon at the top-right corner of your screen to add a new gateway. Learn more about setting up a gateway.


Open the crosslink tab, then tap the green + icon at the top-right corner of your screen to add a new crosslink. Learn more about crosslinks.