Zello's AI Digests feature delivers daily summaries of conversations from up to 5 network channels, offering actionable insight into your team's communications in a clear, concise, and easily-readable format.
AI Digests are emailed to configured recipients, ensuring key stakeholders are informed of communciation trends without requiring active network monitoring. They afford deeper awareness of a team's daily operations—including roadblocks, successes, and (in)efficiencies—empowering stakeholders to effectively and proactively support frontline workers.
AI Digests are currently in beta, and they're only available to select networks. This article is exclusively applicable to networks participating in beta testing. We expect to widely-release the feature later this year.
What's included in AI Digests?
Each emailed digest includes an overview section that summarizes the day's conversations, as well as a deep-dive section that delves into discussed issues, their duration, their resolution, and any resulting to-dos. Digests capture a configured timeframe, and they're emailed daily to assigned contacts. Currently, AI Digests follow a rule of 5:
Please note that each digest summarizes communications and identifies patterns across its assigned channels. For example:
- If your digest is assigned 5 channels, the insights will summarize topics of conversation across all 5. This may help identify any trends occurring throughout operational units.
- If you've configured your Digest to cover a single channel, your insights will focus solely on communications occurring in that channel.
Digests may cover between 1 and 5 channels. Consider grouping channels with similar use cases in a single Digest to maximize the feature's value.
Deployment of AI Digests is currently limited; the feature is exclusively available to customers participating in its beta testing. Additionally, AI Digests require that a network have the following features enabled:
We'll update this article when the feature's been officially released for all networks.
Please note: This feature is only accessible from your network's beta console. Contact our team for assistance signing into your beta console.
- Sign in to your network's beta console. Then go to Menu > AI digests.
- Click Create New
- Configure the following:
Name: If configuring multiple digests, you'll want to ensure the name is descriptive enough that you'll understand which it applies to. Description: What does this digest cover? Note the description will only be viewable from the Management Console. Frequency: Currently, digests are exclusively generated and delivered on a daily cadence. We may include weekly and/or monthly options in the future. Timezone: The timezone applicable to your team. Note that this informs the timeframe described below. Language: The language you'd like to receive your digest in. Timeframe: The timeframe of communications you'd like captured in the digest. Communications sent outside of this timeframe won't be captured in the summary, so it's best to include your team's main operational hours. - Click Next: choose channels.
- Select the channels you'd like included in the digest. You can choose up to 5. Then click Next: add recipients.
- Enter the name and email address of the summary's intended recipients (up to 5). Click the blue + icon to add additional names/emails. Then click Create.
Receiving AI Digests
Your curated summary will be sent at the end of the timeframe configured for the digest. It'll summarize the main topics discussed in your chosen channel(s)—including the conversations' highlights, duration, resolution, and any to-dos—in the digest's configured language.
Editing Your Digest
AI Digests can be re-configured—for example, channels changed, recipients added, or timeframe adjusted—at any point in time. To do so:
- Open the AI digests page (Menu > AI digests). Then, click on the digest's name to open its details page.
- Adjust the digest's configurations as needed.
Note that digests can be temporarily disabled by clicking the Disable Digest button, or deleted by clicking the Delete Digest button. Keep in mind that while a digest can be re-enabled later, deleting a digest will erase its configuration entirely.
To Note
- AI Digests are in beta, and they're only available to a small pool of Zello Work networks. We'll update this article when we have an expected release date.
- Beta was released in Zello version 6.0.