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Can I control history from the management console?
How do I turn off "Set Zello status to Busy" when my Android phone is on silent?
What is Pre-Buffering and how does it work?
What is Jitter Adjustment Threshold?
What is VBR and what are the benefits?
What is "Conversation Time Out"?
What is the "Keep-alive interval" setting?
Why does a channel have a logo next to it?
How many users are allowed per channel?
Is it possible to rename channels?
Can I speak in a channel I'm not a part of?
What is the ‘Everyone’ channel?
Why is Zello Work better than Sprint, AT&T, or Verizon PTT?
How is the voice history saved locally?
Why is there an arrow next to a user on the talk screen?
Why did another company share a channel with me?
How does Zello Work differ from Zello Friends & Family?
How does the console handle multiple channels of information?
Where are History files saved on the PC?
How does 'Remote control' work on iPhone?
Which types of notifications require ‘Display Zello over other Apps’ permissions on Android?
PTT Button: Toggle vs. Hold-to-Talk Mode
Can I choose an audio source from Dispatch Hub?
Can we use our account database and policies?
What's the difference between the on-premise server and Zello Work?
Can I sign in to the same user account on multiple devices?