Initiating an Emergency Alert

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Zello’s Emergency Alert feature allows users to send messages notifying a designated channel of an emergency situation with the touch of a talk screen button. When an alert is initiated, 10 seconds of audio is automatically recorded and sent alongside the user’s location (if location services are enabled) to the designated channel. 

A note on dynamic channels: Users will always be able to send an emergency alert—even if they're disconnected from a channel. If a user sends an alert while disconnected from the channel, they'll return to being disconnected once the alert has ended. Nevertheless, only connected users will receive the alert. 

Sending an Alert (Users)

To initiate an emergency alert, sign in to Zello Work. Then:

1) Select the channel you'd like to send the alert. 

2) Press and hold the talk screen’s Emergency button. Your device will count down from five; if you don’t press cancel before the 5 seconds is up, your alert will be automatically sent. 

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 5.56.05 PM.png

3) To end the alert, press the Exit button in the emergency mode banner:
Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 5.56.46 PM.png

Please note: This feature is only available on the Plus and Enterprise pricing tiers. Learn more

All messages received while a user is actively in emergency mode will be queued and stored in the History tab.