Adding users to the network

  • Updated

This article is written for: Zello Work Zello Friends & Family.

Admins can create new user accounts from the management console. It's vital that each person you'd like to communicate on the network have their own account for a variety of security and access reasons, including the following: 

  • All communications sent and received are tied to an individual user. This includes emergency alerts. 
  • Admins assign permissions (channel access, console access, etc.) on an account-by-account basis. 
  • While users can share devices, accounts cannot be reliably shared. If an account is signed in on two devices, one of the users will be automatically disconnected. 

Sign In Credentials

Signing in to Zello Work requires you enter a username, password, and network name. All users in a single network will enter the same network name, but usernames and passwords will differ. There are three ways an admin can add a user to their network: 

1. From the management console's dashboard or Users tab (described below)

Method best used when adding one or a few users who have unique direct contacts, settings, and channel assignments. 

2. Import users via a CSV

Method best used when adding users in bulk.

3. Clone Users

Method best used in cases where there are many users with the same contacts, channels, and settings.

Please note: Once you've added users to the network, consider sending them a SignOn link. This link will ease the onboarding process by prompting new users to install Zello on their device, as well as sign in to their network without entering their credentials. 

Adding Users From the Dashboard

Users can be added from your console's dashboard—or home screen—via two buttons, as explained below. 

  1. Sign in to your management console at [yournetworkname]
  2. From the taskbar, click New > New User
    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 10.58.08 AM.png
    From the Network Overview section, click Add new user.
    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 1.44.06 PM.png
  3. Enter a username and password, as well as any additional relevant information—like console access or a display name—for the user's record. Click Create and Invite User
    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 1.49.46 PM.png

Adding Users via the Users Tab

  1. Sign in to the management console at [yournetworkname]
  2. Select Users from the taskbar. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 2.20.07 PM.png
  3. Click +New User 
    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 2.25.53 PM.png
  4. Enter a username and password, as well as any additional relevant information—like console access or a display name—for the user's record. Click Create and Invite User
    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 1.49.46 PM.png

Increase Your Network's User Limit

If you receive this error message when adding a new user:


Then it's time to add additional users to your account.

  • If you're a trial customer, reach out to to request an increase. 
  • If you pay for your Zello Work subscription via credit card, see this article for help adjusting the number of users on that subscription. 
  • If you're paying by means other than credit card, contact for assistance adjusting the number of users on your subscription.